FM_VE.DLL ========= Windows 3.1x File Manager extension which adds hot keys (F3, F4) and corresponding menu commands for selected file viewing or editing. Version 1.1 =========== This version completely operates with Windows 3.11. In previous version the hot keys worked only with Windows 3.1. Installation: ============= 1. Copy file FM_VE.DLL to your WINDOWS directory. 2. Find in WINDOWS directory file WINFILE.INI and edit it. Add string "V&E=FM_VE.DLL" to the section "[AddOns]" as in example below: [AddOns] V&E=FM_VE.DLL 3. Restart your File Manager and you will see new menu title "V&E" in it's menu bar. Choosing "Setup" in this menu you can change the programs which will be launched when you select View or Edit in menu or press hot keys F3 or F4. "NOTEPAD.EXE" is used for both as default. Author ====== Alexander Korjenevsky e-mail: